solutions Archive

  • A comprehensive architecture that is made up of things like mission, vision, goals, objectives, requirements, roles, activities, capabilities, services, technical components and yes, physical components is a holistic thing. It is something we bake, not something served up in piecemeal ingredients. We don't eat flour and call it bread just because everyone around us happens to be an expert in flour.

    Architecture is Not: Infrastructure

    A comprehensive architecture that is made up of things like mission, vision, goals, objectives, requirements, roles, activities, capabilities, services, technical components and yes, physical components is a holistic thing. It is something we bake, not something served up in piecemeal ingredients. We don't eat flour and call it bread just because everyone around us happens to be an expert in flour.

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  • Suggesting architecture in general, or enterprise architecture in particular, doesn't add value or is otherwise a fiscal black hole is akin to declaring that badly executed means discredits the ends. The objective of enhancing Business-IT alignment is a worthy one. Just because a bunch of charlatans over time have discredited one method of achieving that alignment doesn't mean we shouldn't bother.

    Bad Marksmanship

    Suggesting architecture in general, or enterprise architecture in particular, doesn't add value or is otherwise a fiscal black hole is akin to declaring that badly executed means discredits the ends. The objective of enhancing Business-IT alignment is a worthy one. Just because a bunch of charlatans over time have discredited one method of achieving that alignment doesn't mean we shouldn't bother.

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  • The social experience, whether it is Facebook or Twitter or Foursquare or Flickr or the latest release of <insert meaningless gibberish company name here>, it is all about connecting with one another in meaningful ways. A mega, super, hyperactive version of painting details of the mastodon hunt on the walls of a fire lit cave. How do we, as IT practitioners, connect with our peers throughout the enterprise and communicate knowledge that has intrinsic (or divine) value?

    How We Give Fire

    The social experience, whether it is Facebook or Twitter or Foursquare or Flickr or the latest release of , it is all about connecting with one another in meaningful ways. A mega, super, hyperactive version of painting details of the mastodon hunt on the walls of a fire lit cave. How do we, as IT practitioners, connect with our peers throughout the enterprise and communicate knowledge that has intrinsic (or divine) value?

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  • The people who like to create solutions are typically not the best equipped to fully understand the context of the problem. They are structured by nature to take action, to find a way around the obstacle. Their gaze is fixed on the end result, the grand design of what will be in the future state. With this horizon-centric, forward looking perspective, the original purpose for the effort is usually sidelined.

    A Goat, A Rope and a Gonkulator

    The people who like to create solutions are typically not the best equipped to fully understand the context of the problem. They are structured by nature to take action, to find a way around the obstacle. Their gaze is fixed on the end result, the grand design of what will be in the future state. With this horizon-centric, forward looking perspective, the original purpose for the effort is usually sidelined.

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  • The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

    Who Needs a Vision?

    The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

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