program Archive

  • I was thinking about the role expertise plays in the effectiveness of our businesses, programs, projects and other enterprise efforts. It often strikes me that too many people are involved, saying too many words, for too much time. Why is this so? It detracts from our ability to execute or at the very least makes successful execution more difficult. Why do we put up with it then?

    The Unguru

    I was thinking about the role expertise plays in the effectiveness of our businesses, programs, projects and other enterprise efforts. It often strikes me that too many people are involved, saying too many words, for too much time. Why is this so? It detracts from our ability to execute or at the very least makes successful execution more difficult. Why do we put up with it then?

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  • Large technology organizations don't simply become agile. They're either agile or not. If they're not, the path to being so is via change, often radical change at that.


    Large technology organizations don't simply become agile. They're either agile or not. If they're not, the path to being so is via change, often radical change at that.

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  • On the back of my comments regarding metrics, a natural question arises. Namely, provided you are able to identify the correct measurements to take in the course of assessing the success or failure of any particular program, what is there to be said about interpretation of those measurements?

    Avoiding Cost-Avoidance

    On the back of my comments regarding metrics, a natural question arises. Namely, provided you are able to identify the correct measurements to take in the course of assessing the success or failure of any particular program, what is there to be said about interpretation of those measurements?

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  • Despite the fact that the things we measure are often not related to the impact of our efforts on the business, this hasn't stopped the relentless quest for metrics to feed legions of ravenous dashboard apps and Excel spreadsheets. In fact, they seem to have slowly become an end unto themselves.

    The Quest for Mostly Meaningless Metrics

    Despite the fact that the things we measure are often not related to the impact of our efforts on the business, this hasn't stopped the relentless quest for metrics to feed legions of ravenous dashboard apps and Excel spreadsheets. In fact, they seem to have slowly become an end unto themselves.

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  • How can a business be effective and compete in the market if the leaders don't have a clue what they're spending? Is it because they don't want to know, can't know or just haven't taken the time to know? I'm not sure which option is worse, to be honest.

    Boost Your IQ

    How can a business be effective and compete in the market if the leaders don't have a clue what they're spending? Is it because they don't want to know, can't know or just haven't taken the time to know? I'm not sure which option is worse, to be honest.

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