consulting Archive

  • Next to the perennial favorite "What Enterprise Architecture is and/or is not," I'm inclined to believe debates over frameworks are the hottest debates going right now. Why is that?


    Next to the perennial favorite "What Enterprise Architecture is and/or is not," I'm inclined to believe debates over frameworks are the hottest debates going right now. Why is that?

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  • As technology architecture professionals, we can only be successful and valuable to those who pay us if we frame our work in terms of capabilities at the outset. If we start with details, we'll ultimately fail.

    A Capabilities-based Architecture

    As technology architecture professionals, we can only be successful and valuable to those who pay us if we frame our work in terms of capabilities at the outset. If we start with details, we'll ultimately fail.

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  • What would it take for your business to view IT as a valuable, essential partner instead of an annoying cost-center that they're forced to deal with? Wouldn't that be better for you and better for them?

    IT Made Simple

    What would it take for your business to view IT as a valuable, essential partner instead of an annoying cost-center that they're forced to deal with? Wouldn't that be better for you and better for them?

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  • Large technology organizations don't simply become agile. They're either agile or not. If they're not, the path to being so is via change, often radical change at that.


    Large technology organizations don't simply become agile. They're either agile or not. If they're not, the path to being so is via change, often radical change at that.

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  • For white collar career paths, the ability to identify, assess and diagnose business problems and then go on to prescribe and execute solutions absolutely demands thoughtful approaches that don't magically come with the diploma. The education is a foundation. It is not a end unto itself.

    MBAs Are Worthless

    For white collar career paths, the ability to identify, assess and diagnose business problems and then go on to prescribe and execute solutions absolutely demands thoughtful approaches that don't magically come with the diploma. The education is a foundation. It is not a end unto itself.

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