architecture Archive

  • With the upheaval of the economic downturn came a spate of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, splits and buy-outs. The ensuing chaos of the resulting technology portfolios cannot really be overstated. Many surviving companies are just a mess. In normal times this may not be a big deal. But these aren't normal times.

    Rational Rationalization

    With the upheaval of the economic downturn came a spate of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, splits and buy-outs. The ensuing chaos of the resulting technology portfolios cannot really be overstated. Many surviving companies are just a mess. In normal times this may not be a big deal. But these aren't normal times.

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  • Next to the perennial favorite "What Enterprise Architecture is and/or is not," I'm inclined to believe debates over frameworks are the hottest debates going right now. Why is that?


    Next to the perennial favorite "What Enterprise Architecture is and/or is not," I'm inclined to believe debates over frameworks are the hottest debates going right now. Why is that?

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  • An architecture that is merely a PDF with a couple of generic line-box-arrow diagrams coupled with a few colorful "pancake" pictures isn't really an architecture. It's a marketing glossy. A white paper is too generic to be passed off as a real solution to a real problem.

    Architecture is Not: A White Paper

    An architecture that is merely a PDF with a couple of generic line-box-arrow diagrams coupled with a few colorful "pancake" pictures isn't really an architecture. It's a marketing glossy. A white paper is too generic to be passed off as a real solution to a real problem.

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  • There is much to recommend about changing how we create, deploy and offer our services and products to customers. Yet there is an entire consulting industry built around avoiding the pitfalls of cloud.

    Cloud in a Box

    There is much to recommend about changing how we create, deploy and offer our services and products to customers. Yet there is an entire consulting industry built around avoiding the pitfalls of cloud.

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  • Title inflation/mis-direction is vermicious. Like a Knid.

    10 Signs You’re Not REALLY a Director of IT

    Title inflation/mis-direction is vermicious. Like a Knid.

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