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A homework assignment for people who think the United States is a "bully" for using tariffs:
Pick a random country. Any country.
Then, go to your favorite LLM and type in "what tariffs does (country of choice) have in place?"
Proceed to be enlightened, and then shut up.What is the truth about alcohol consumption
The OG Tabasco Hot and Spicy @cheezit is objectively the greatest flavor of cheez-it ever. It isn't even a discussion. @CitrusBowl @DustyDvoracek
Consultants Saying Things
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- Episode 79: The One About Enterprise Architect Skills for the Future
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- E76-01: Be Empathetic to Win Business
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- E73-02: Technologists Should Ask Better Questions
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IT in General Archive
Avoiding Cost-Avoidance
Posted on November 2, 2010 | No CommentsOn the back of my comments regarding metrics, a natural question arises. Namely, provided you are able to identify the correct measurements to take in the course of assessing the success or failure of any particular program, what is there to be said about interpretation of those measurements? -
Boost Your IQ
Posted on October 8, 2010 | No CommentsHow can a business be effective and compete in the market if the leaders don't have a clue what they're spending? Is it because they don't want to know, can't know or just haven't taken the time to know? I'm not sure which option is worse, to be honest. -
The Power of Carefully Worded Nonsense
Posted on October 7, 2010 | No CommentsA model is useful if it describes something in a context that renders a complex topic easier to digest for specific audience. Its purpose is to describe, to communicate. It is an expression of a viewpoint. It isn't a detailed map or a blueprint. It is representative of a system, it doesn't depict the system. It is an abstraction. I'm afraid we model too frequently as a cover for not actually producing things of value. -
Bad Marksmanship
Posted on October 5, 2010 | No CommentsSuggesting architecture in general, or enterprise architecture in particular, doesn't add value or is otherwise a fiscal black hole is akin to declaring that badly executed means discredits the ends. The objective of enhancing Business-IT alignment is a worthy one. Just because a bunch of charlatans over time have discredited one method of achieving that alignment doesn't mean we shouldn't bother.